The Sacrament of Baptism for Infants and Children (age 7 and younger) is typically celebrated the first three weekends of each month, both during and directly following our weekend Masses. Upon the completion of our Baptismal Preparation Class, parents can choose from any of the available dates on our calendar for the Baptism. Please see below the schedule for our upcoming required class and sign-up for the most convenience day/time for your family.
And congratulations on taking the first steps to sharing the beauty of our Catholic faith with your child. Through baptism your child is welcomed into our parish community and we commit to supporting you and your child on your faith journey. Another important support to help you share your faith with your child is choosing your child’s godparents. The role of godparents is not simply honorary but they should assist you in sharing the Catholic faith with your child. Naturally one cannot share what one does not have. Therefore, the godparent must be an active Catholic over 16 years of age who has received Confirmation and regularly participates in Sunday Mass. Your godparents should contact their parish to secure a letter stating that they are eligible to serve as godparents.
Preparation for a child’s baptism occurs every few months in Cheyenne in cooperation with the three parishes. Baptisms are celebrated at St. Joseph’s during a Saturday evening or Sunday morning liturgy. Due to Covid19 the preparing for sacraments have changed to learn more please call the office 307-634-4625.
You can open the form, fill it out, send it to the parish or print it and take it in person to the parish office